Impulse Control!

Shalom! The January 2021 post (The World’s Deepest Yearnings) was a reflection about the nature of true unity, the desire that exists and grows in our world for unity, and the insufficiency of our man-made attempts to unity. In this post, I would like to continue with a reflection on the next sentences of paragraph 43 in Novo Millennio Ineunte: […]

The World’s Deepest Yearnings

As I write this it is the 19th of January 2021. My last blog post was over a year ago. My good intentions were to do a monthly post, and I am sorry that I didn’t. But what a year 2020 was! I was swept up in the many changes that took place, and here we are. So, where have […]

“Rejoice! Rejoice! O Israel!”

Today is December 20, and in many Advent liturgies in various denominations, the sense of expectation grows as we encounter the “O Antiphons.” What are the “O Antiphons?” The easy answer is this — most Christians know the song, “O Come, O Come Emmanuel!” It’s even played in shops — even if only an instrumental version. The “O Antiphons” historically […]

First Things First

A few weeks ago, I gave a series of teaching on John 5 — and thought I would make a short summary of those teachings here — The topic of the teaching day was Identity in the Father’s Love. When preparing for the teaching, I went first to the story of the woman at the well in John 4 – […]

Why “Spirituality of Communion?”

First of all, welcome to my blog! I’m really hoping to make this a bi-weekly event. It’s a great opportunity for me to start writing, what I’ve long felt called to do, and hopefully it will be a blessing for anyone who reads it. My website is called “Spirituality of Communion” for a very specific reason, and I think it’s […]